Taking Proper Care Of Your Septic System And What You Can’t Send Down The Drain

Not everyone is informed of the hazards associated with flushing foreign objects down the sink or toilet. In fact, many do not realize that septic systems use natural processes to dispose of wastewater that comes from the home. Therefore, anything flushed down the drain or toilet that is not natural could cause serious issues with the septic system.

On This Page: Disposable Wipes, Feminine Products, Grease, Improper Toilet Paper

In order to help our clients keep their septic systems in good condition and working properly, we want to remind users of what they cannot flush down their septic system. It is imperative that homeowners DO NOT flush the following items down their sinks and toilets, otherwise they could end up exposing their household members to harmful bacteria, potentially requiring the replacement of the entire septic system.

Disposable Wipes

Even though the package may say “disposable”, wipes cannot be flushed down the toilet. They are not made of naturally occurring materials, therefore they will not break down properly in the septic system. Any kind of personal hygiene wipe is not biodegradable, even if the package says it is. Disposable wipes that claim to be safe for septic systems are in fact not safe. Flushing personal hygiene wipes is a costly risk that no homeowner should take. In the long run, these wipes can clog septic lines, plug toilets and even cause the septic pump to malfunction or burn out. All of these issues are costly to repair, especially if the wipes have compromised the system beyond repair. To save any homeowner the headache, folks should always dispose of personal hygiene wipes in the trash.

Feminine Products

It is common knowledge to refrain from flushing feminine hygiene products down the toilet. In fact, many public bathrooms have signs that ask individuals to refrain from flushing their personal hygiene products as it can cause damage to the sewer lines. The same goes for septic systems. Tampons and pads cannot be naturally broken down inside the septic system; therefore, they will build up and eventually cause blockages that could result in an unrepairable septic system.

Grease – Of ANY Kind

To be blunt, grease of any kind should never be poured down ANY drain within a home. Even if the home is connected to the city sewer system, pouring grease down the drain can be seriously detrimental to the system. It may seem as if the warm grease is a liquid that will easily go down the drain, but in fact it will congeal and cause blockages in the home’s plumbing. When the grease eventually reaches the septic tank it will build up and cause the homeowner to pay for septic pumping more often –– if it doesn’t cause serious issues with the entire septic system.

What Toilet Paper Can I Use With My Septic System?

It is important to use toilet paper that is safe for use with a septic system. When choosing toilet paper, look for one that is biodegradable and breaks down easily in water. Avoid using toilet paper that is made with synthetic materials or contains added fragrances, dyes, or chemicals as these can be harmful to the bacteria in the septic system and cause clogs. Paper that is listed as “ultra-thick”, “3-ply”, or “quilted” will take more time to break down in your septic system and should be avoided.

Improper flushing can have serious consequences for a septic system. When non-biodegradable materials, such as wipes or feminine hygiene products, are flushed down the toilet, they can cause clogs in the septic system. These clogs can lead to overflowing or backing up of the system, resulting in potential environmental and health hazards. In addition, flushing non-biodegradable materials can damage the bacteria in the septic system that are responsible for breaking down waste.

Another problem with improper flushing is that it can cause the septic tank to fill up more quickly, requiring more frequent pumping. This can be expensive and inconvenient, and if the tank is not pumped regularly, it can lead to the failure of the septic system.

If It’s Trash – It Goes In The Trash Can

The drains and toilets within a home are not meant to dispose of trash. Anything that should be put in a trash can should not be flushed down the toilets or drains within the home. We often have to repair septic systems that contain huge amounts of items that should have gone in the trash instead of down the drain. In many cases, homeowners who flush unnatural items down their toilets or drains will have to replace their septic systems way sooner than if they’d only had natural items flushed through them. All homeowners should refrain from flushing these items down their drains or toilets:

  • Cigarette butts
  • Diapers
  • Toys
  • Coffee grounds
  • Cat litter
  • Condoms
  • Medication
  • Q-tips or cotton balls

It is important to only flush biodegradable materials down the toilet when using a septic system. This includes toilet paper and human waste. It is also a good idea to avoid flushing large amounts of water at once, as this can cause the septic tank to overflow. To help protect your septic system, it is also important to properly maintain it by having it pumped and inspected regularly.

If you believe that your septic system has been compromised from flushing or pouring foreign objects or substances down the drains, contact our team of septic system experts at Acuantia.

Why Choose Acuantia?

We solve homeowners’ onsite wastewater needs by:

  • Providing a one-stop-shop experience
  • Partnering with trusted, high-quality service providers
  • Affordably managing your project end-to-end
  • Simplifying the complicated onsite wastewater experience
  • Managing and completing your job to the highest standard
  • Maintaining your septic system to keep it running into the future

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