Are You Pumping Your Septic Tank Too Much? There Might Be An Underlying Issue

Does it seem like you’re frequently having your septic tank pumped? While it’s recommended to pump every 3 to 5 years, frequent pumping could indicate an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. Not only is it a hassle to pump your septic tank more often than necessary, but it can also be hazardous to your health and the nearby environment.

On This Page: Drain Field Saturation, Obstructions, Excess Wastewater in Tank, Diagnose Septic Tank Issues, Why Choose Us

Septic tank pumping is crucial to maintaining the proper functioning of your septic system. If you neglect to pump your tank, solid waste can accumulate and clog the inlet and outlet pipes, leading to costly repairs and backups in your plumbing. However, pumping too frequently can also be a problem.

When you pump your septic tank too often, it can disrupt the delicate balance of bacteria and enzymes that break down the solid waste in the tank. This can lead to a decrease in the efficiency of your septic system, which can result in more frequent pumping and even a complete system failure.

Frequent pumping can also be hazardous to your health and the environment. If the sludge is pumped out before it has had a chance to break down properly, it can contain harmful pathogens and pollutants that can contaminate the soil and groundwater.

Drain Field Saturated With Water

Besides the septic tank, drain fields are a very important factor in a properly functioning septic system. The water in a septic system’s drain field leaks slowly into the ground, where microorganisms clean it before it reaches the water table. However, if there is too much water in the drain field, it won’t be able to take in more. This can happen due to heavy rain, as it can take some time for the water to soak into the soil. If a septic tank is filling up quickly after a storm, a homeowner may want to consider installing drainage tile around the drain field to redirect the water away from it and prevent saturation. In some cases, the drain field can become so saturated that it no longer functions properly. It can take years for the drain field to recover, and if the saturation isn’t caused by rain, homeowners will need to call a professional to install a new drain field and redirect their septic tank to it.

Obstruction In Outlet Pipes Or Drain Field

Solid waste can clog the pipes in the septic drain field when it exits the tank through the outlet pipe. Your pipes also may become disconnected due to interference from shifting soil and tree roots causing breaks and leaks. These clogs and breaks can happen when you don’t have your septic tank pumped and inspected regularly. Also, we advise against planting or maintaining trees near the septic lines, tank, and drain field on your property. Outlets become clogged when the solids level in the tank is high and near the outlet pipe, the force of wastewater entering the tank can push the solids out and into the pipe, resulting in blockages. To resolve this issue, it is necessary to contact a nearby septic service to inspect the tank and clear any obstructions in the pipes.

Excess Wastewater In The Septic Tank

A septic tank may be receiving water from sources other than wastewater, which can cause issues. Clean or potable water should be directed away from the tank to prevent overfilling. For instance, if a sump pump is draining into the tank, a plumber can redirect the pipes to discharge elsewhere in the soil. Broken pipes from tree roots or shifting soil can result in groundwater and rainwater entering your septic tank and overtaxing it. Another common cause of this issue is rainwater entering the tank due to heavy vehicles driving or parking on top of it, which can damage the tank and allow water to seep in. This can also bring in additional solids from the soil. If a homeowner suspects this to be the case, it’s best to call a septic service company for an inspection.

Call Acuantia We’re Nearby To Diagnose Septic Tank Issues

Hiring a septic system professional is the best choice when experiencing septic tank issues because they have the knowledge, skills, and equipment to properly diagnose and repair any problems with your system. They can perform the following services within state, county, and federal guidelines to ensure your system is working as effectively and safely as possible:

  • They have the expertise to identify the source of the issue and recommend the most effective solution.
  • They are equipped with specialized tools and equipment to pump, clean, and repair the tank, diagnose and repair the drain field, and other parts of the system.
  • They can provide regular maintenance and inspections to ensure that your system continues to work properly and prevent future issues
  • They can help with septic system replacement if your current system is deemed to be a total failure and is irreparable.
  • They have knowledge of local regulations and permits required for any work on the septic system.

Not only does this save you time and hassle, but it also ensures that the job is done correctly and in compliance with local codes and regulations.

Why Choose Acuantia Near You?

We solve homeowners’ onsite wastewater needs by:

  • Providing a one-stop-shop experience
  • Partnering with trusted, high-quality service providers
  • Affordably managing your project end-to-end
  • Simplifying the complicated onsite wastewater experience
  • Managing and completing your job to the highest standard
  • Maintaining your system to keep it running into the future

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