Which Septic Tank is Right for Your Site?

When it’s time for a new septic tank, there are a couple of determinants that come into play; the individual site, and the soil. These two elements determine which septic tank is right for your site. In this blog post, we are going to give you a rundown on the different types of tanks that we offer, and how different types of soil impact what kind of tank you’ll need. You’ll also need to be sure you’re compliant with local, state, and EPA regulations.

Depending upon the soil type and climate present on the property, Acuantia currently offers home and business owners various types of septic tanks including: :

  • Concrete septic tanks
  • Steel septic tanks
  • Plastic septic tanks
  • Fiberglass septic tanks
  • Aerobic septic tanks

The best way to determine which type of septic tank material is best for you is to contact the septic system experts at Acuantia. Our team covers the entire country and offers septic system services near you to ensure that all homeowners have the best septic system experts on their side.

On This Page: Pros and Cons, Concrete Tanks, Steel Tanks, Plastic Tanks, Fiberglass Tanks, Aerobic Tanks, Soil Type Requirements

Pros And Cons Of Septic Tank Materials

Each type of septic tank material offers both pros and cons. Additionally, some septic tank materials may be ideal in one climate, but not in another. This means that there are various factors, besides just what the septic tank is made out of, to consider when choosing the right type of septic tank material that works best near your home or business. In order to give our clients a more comprehensive understanding of which type of septic material will work best for them.

Concrete Septic Tanks

Concrete septic tanks are currently the most popular type of septic tank on the market and work well near many different soil deposits and climate types. They are popular primarily due to their strength and durability. If constructed properly, concrete tanks have a much smaller likelihood of breaking, cracking, or floating, and should be able to last multiple decades. They can be built to store larger amounts of waste, which is great for larger families and households.

However, concrete septic tanks are more prone to cracking and contaminating the soil around them as time goes on. Additionally, concrete septic tanks tend to be more expensive and they involve a complicated installation process because the weight of a concrete septic tank is greater than other options. When concrete septic tanks are damaged it can take more time and money compared to other types of septic tanks, because concrete is harder to repair.

Steel Septic Tanks

Due to steel being lightweight, it can be easier to transport and install, as well as cost less in materials than say a concrete septic tank. Steel septic tanks are also resistant to floating, which means homeowners won’t have to worry about their tank being displaced underground and causing damage to the rest of the septic system.

There are some cons to using a steel septic tank. Steel is more prone to corrosion than other septic tank material types. Steel septic tanks are the least durable and least common septic tank options. They are designed to last no longer than 20-25 years and can start rusting sooner than that. Additionally, they are harder than other septic tank material types to remove from the ground when it is time to replace them. Our experts can evaluate the soil, climate, and geography near you to determine if steel is right for your location.

Plastic Septic Tanks

Plastic septic tanks are also quite popular due to their durability and longevity. They aren’t prone to cracking or rusting like concrete and steel tanks, and are easier to transport and install due to their weight; not to mention one of the cheapest septic tank options.

The pros to plastic septic tanks can include their ability to be easily crushed by heavy machinery or the soil pressing down on them. Plastic tanks are also more susceptible to damage from environmental factors. Tree branches, excessive water, and vibrations from the soil can cause breaks and ruptures in the plastic.

Fiberglass Septic Tanks

Fiberglass septic tanks are similar to plastic tanks in the fact that they are also lightweight and durable. Like plastic tanks, they are easy to transport and install due to their weight. Fiberglass septic tanks’ lifespans and durability are huge pros and can last over 40 years, as well as their ability to resist corrosive chemicals. They are also easier to fix and repair as well.
There is only one con to using a fiberglass septic tank. In areas where the groundwater level is high, fiberglass septic tanks are known to float. This is mainly caused by the fiberglass septic tank’s light weight. Homeowners will need to implement the appropriate strategies to ensure their fiberglass septic tank does not begin to float. A proper assessment of the soil, water table and nearby geography and climate is imperative – we can help!

Aerobic Septic Tanks

Aerobic septic tanks are great for areas that have a higher water table, like a cottage right on a lake. They use oxygen to treat the waste to ensure that a backup doesn’t happen. Aerobic tanks are also more environmentally friendly and leave a smaller carbon footprint.
However, aerobic septic tanks can cost up to three times the amount of a traditional septic tank. They also require an increased amount of maintenance. If maintenance is not performed correctly and often, the integrity of the system drops significantly.

Soil Type Affects Septic Tank Material Type

When looking for the perfect, the type of soil you have on your property is a huge deciding factor on what tank you’ll decide to go with. The ideal soil conditions for a septic tank are one that lies between gravel and clay, but obviously, not everyone is going to have these perfect conditions. That’s why Acuantia is here to ensure that you’re getting the right type of septic tank based on the soil conditions you may have on your property. Our experienced professionals will personally inspect your residential or commercial property, as well as conduct a soil evaluation for home septic systems to make sure that you are getting a septic tank that won’t back up on you.
Give us a call today at 707-309-0906 or email us at septic@acuantia.com to speak with an Acuantia septic system expert near you to find out more about which septic tank is right for you!

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